Hackathon MOBILIT-ER: intelligent local mobility in Emilia-Romagna

Hackathon MOBILIT-ER: intelligent local mobility in Emilia-Romagna

Organized as part of R2B Research to Business - the International Exhibition on Industrial Research and Innovation Skills, will be held at BolognaFiere on 6 and 7 June 2019

This year's HACKATHON calls for the collection of expertise from all over the country for the development of new projects that impact the community and sees the Emilia-Romagna Region directly involved in defining the objectives.

Design of an application for smartphones, a web app or a service that, starting from the dataset with the historical data relating to the positioning of the means of regional public transport in real time, provides forecasts of optimized mobility routes. The project will be able to integrate other data sources in order to create new digital services to the benefit of environmental sustainability and citizens, particularly those who have difficulty moving.

Team from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 6 participants. The team must already be trained at the time of the application. The Hackathon is aimed at university students, recent graduates, graduate students and graduates, developers, AI experts, Big Data experts, Data Scientists.

5,000 euros for the best project

R2B - Research to Business 2019 - the 14th International Exhibition on Industrial Research and Competence for Innovation, 6-7 June 2019 - BolognaFiere, Pavilion 33.

Fill in the required documentation WITHIN 24 MAY 2019 AT 15.00.

Contact mail: hackathon@aster.it


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The new frontiers of sustainable packaging

A conference in Rimini on October 16th
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Rimini Tecnopolo at RBM

In Cesena, October 9th
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Forum S3: great representation of the Technopole Laboratories

FORUM S3 2019 - The Clust-ER and sustainable development: research and innovation for the Agenda 2030 challenges
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Alternative to plastic: the Tecnopolo of Rimini in the front row

EcopAckLab: an innovative packaging system for the conservation quality improvement and completely compostable
Five dots and a line on a white background.
Scarica Brochure
Tecnopolo Rimini, innovation and research in Emilia-Romagna.

Compila il form per ricevere la brochure

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Credits TITANKA! Spa