Bioplastics and sustainable packaging will be the focus of the conference entitled " The new frontiers of sustainable packaging " to be held on October 16th at 3:00 pm at the Sala Marvelli of the Province of Rimini in Via Dario Campana 64.
The conference, promoted by the Rimini Technopole and by the Interdepartmental Center for Advanced Mechanical and Industrial Materials Research of the University of Bologna and in collaboration with Uni.Rimini SpA , and with the sponsorship of the Municipality of Rimini , University of Bologna Campus of Rimini , Chamber of Commerce of Romagna, Forlì Cesena and Rimini and Confindustria Romagna will be the occasion to present the research activities that are taking place in Italy, both in the field of university and industrial research.
We will talk about the less impacting and more recently commercialized plastics, the so-called "bioplastics".
During the event, representatives of local institutions will participate, researchers from the University of Bologna who carry out studies in this field, also at the Rimini Technopole and companies at the forefront of environmental safety.
The conference aims to take stock of the developments and opportunities of a material that is much talked about in recent times.
Applications from 8 July to 11 October 2019 for start-up calls for tenders. The Region with European Funds aims to promote activities and generate employment.
Organized as part of R2B Research to Business - the International Exhibition on Industrial Research and Innovation Skills, will be held at BolognaFiere on 6 and 7 June 2019