Coordination Network of the Technopolitan Network of the Emilia-Romagna Region

Coordination Network of the Technopolitan Network of the Emilia-Romagna Region

The appointment at the Rimini Tecnopolo

The coordination meeting of the Technopolitan Network of Emilia-Romagna will be held in Rimini on 8 May. The meeting will take place at the headquarters of the Tecnopolo in via Dario Campana and will be an opportunity to take stock of the network's activities and planned initiatives. For the occasion, the activities of the CIRI (Interdepartmental Industrial Research Centers) regional offices located in the Rimini Technopole will also be presented. The meeting, organized by ASTER in collaboration with Uni.Rimini SPA , will be attended by the Managing Subjects of all the regional Technopoles. The meeting will also be an opportunity for participants to visit the Rimini structure and present the potential of the laboratories present in view of future collaborations and projects.

The Technopoles are distributed in a network of 10 infrastructures located in 20 locations in the Emilia-Romagna area that host and organize activities and services for industrial research, experimental development and technology transfer in favor of local businesses and economic systems locals.

The Technopolis is home to the industrial research laboratories of the Emilia-Romagna High Technology Network which in Rimini work in close collaboration with the University of Bologna, equipped with modern research equipment and personnel dedicated to activities and services for businesses, favoring in thus competitive growth and access to the most innovative and advanced skills at international level: this is therefore a 'gateway' for innovative systems available for all companies interested in taking a path of growth and innovation.

The Technopoles also include service structures for dissemination and information activities and reception facilities for companies and private research laboratories, promoting the meeting between companies and researchers and access to cutting-edge scientific equipment, thereby reducing the distance between demand and supply of innovation.

In particular, the Rimini Technopole hosts the CIRI active on the themes of Renewable Sources, Environment and Energy (FRAME) and that related to Advanced Mechanics and Innovative Materials (MAM) and in these months over 120 initiatives have already been organized between individual meetings with companies, workshops and conferences on various topics related to innovation.
The Rimini office is also able to connect local companies with the other Technopoles of the Region engaged on the fronts of Mechatronics, Agribusiness, Construction, ICT, Aeronautics and Life Sciences.

Uni.Rimini as the managing authority of the Tecnopolo is available to meet the interested companies by setting up a meeting on the number 0541/21847 or by email . Website:


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The new frontiers of sustainable packaging

A conference in Rimini on October 16th
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Rimini Tecnopolo at RBM

In Cesena, October 9th
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Forum S3: great representation of the Technopole Laboratories

FORUM S3 2019 - The Clust-ER and sustainable development: research and innovation for the Agenda 2030 challenges
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Alternative to plastic: the Tecnopolo of Rimini in the front row

EcopAckLab: an innovative packaging system for the conservation quality improvement and completely compostable
Five dots and a line on a white background.
Scarica Brochure
Tecnopolo Rimini, innovation and research in Emilia-Romagna.

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Credits TITANKA! Spa