Rimini Technopole

Technopole is the site of the research, innovation and development activities in Rimini. Technopole is part of the High Technology Network of Emilia Romagna created with a large investment by the Regional Government.

Basic and applied scientific research takes place through the possibilities offered by the high technology scientific laboratories hosted. In the Technopole is indeed possible to find research and analysis tools that can be placed at the service of companies that want to invest in research and innovation for a strong growth of business competitiveness.

Each Technopole, has a service structure for the divulgation, the demonstration, information and welcome for schools and companies. Rimini Technopole is managed by Uni.Rimini S.p.A, institution supporting also the university campus of Rimini.

Rimini Technopole falls, in fact, in a strategy that the Emilia-Romagna Region has launched a few years ago in support of the University. Objective of the Technopole is in fact to find a practical application of the studies conducted by researchers, in this case the university campus of Rimini. In particular Rimini Technopole will work with synergies and internships in collaboration with local companies.

Rimini Technopole, located in via Dario Campana 71, in the area of the former municipal slaughterhouse, is the headquarter of the Interdepartmental Centre for Industrial Research Energy and Environment (CIRI AE) and the Interdepartmental Centre for Industrial Research Advanced Mechanics and Materials (CIRI MAM).

Uni.Rimini S.p.A., after winning the tender POR FERS Emilia Romagna 2014/2020, Axis 1 - Research and Innovation, Action 1.2.1, appointed Dr Lorenzo Succi as manager for the Technopole, who will work with the two coordinators of CIRI, Professor Fabrizio Passarini and Professor Vincenzo Tumiatti.

In addition the managing entity will have functions of connecting hub with other Technopoles of the regional network, therefore the companies in need of services other than those relating to the activities of the structure of Rimini, may contact Uni. Rimini to be connected with the managers of the other technopoles and with the CIRI teachers.


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The new frontiers of sustainable packaging

A conference in Rimini on October 16th
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Rimini Tecnopolo at RBM

In Cesena, October 9th
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Forum S3: great representation of the Technopole Laboratories

FORUM S3 2019 - The Clust-ER and sustainable development: research and innovation for the Agenda 2030 challenges
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Alternative to plastic: the Tecnopolo of Rimini in the front row

EcopAckLab: an innovative packaging system for the conservation quality improvement and completely compostable
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Start up a tender for young companies with DNA innovation

Applications from 8 July to 11 October 2019 for start-up calls for tenders. The Region with European Funds aims to promote activities and generate employment.
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Hackathon MOBILIT–ER: intelligent local mobility in Emilia–Romagna

Organized as part of R2B Research to Business - the International Exhibition on Industrial Research and Innovation Skills, will be held at BolognaFiere on 6 and 7 June 2019
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The Tecnopolo in the bottle

Phase two of the ongoing project at the FabLab Romagna
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The Tecnopolo meets the productive categories

The opportunities of the Technopolis Network present themselves
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The importance of innovation for companies

Derived from the Latin, nowadays "innovation" is synonymous with "new idea" and "invention".
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Innovation Roadshow of the Emilia–Romagna Region: the Rimini stage is on its way

Rimini, Wednesday 5 December 2018 from 2.30 pm in the Marvelli hall of the Province of Rimini in via Dario Campana 62
Five dots and a line on a white background.
Scarica Brochure
Tecnopolo Rimini, innovation and research in Emilia-Romagna.

Compila il form per ricevere la brochure

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Credits TITANKA! Spa